Thursday, August 13, 2009

Take Me Away

Wednesday afternoon I went to Berkeley with my sister and Huey. We did a little shopping, had falafel, and got frozen yogurt. It was delicious and the weather was a nice change from the sweltering Sacramento heat.

I totally forgot about how last Thursday we welcomed Nick back from his month long trip around Europe! My mom cooked him a Chinese feast, which we all loved. Then we hung out and saw The Ugly Truth. It was funny how it was supposed to take place and was filmed in Sacramento! It got me thinking about relationships. We often act how we want others to perceive us, so in a way we change ourselves to fit others. Then eventually, they'll like who they think we are. What we should be looking for is people who like us for ourselves. So, if people don't like me because I am sarcastic, use hand sanitizer often, memorize what people wear, or crack my back - whatever, I don't need you in my life.

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