Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Do Your Ass Cheeks Hurt

from sitting on that high horse? Mind your own business, you are not god, you have no right to judge. Nobody is perfect, and that includes you. You can have your own opinions without forcing them on others.

Wow, people are irritating. Haha today was "Opposite Day" so I wore a button down shirt as a skirt. It was successful and people generally liked it. No class today and my only homework is to read. Wahoo! Chinese chicken salad for dinner. Mmmm.

Yesterday was such a hobo day. In anatomy we learned how many calories we burn off from exercising.. yeah, not many for me. I was too short to use the bike, but I took a picture on it anyway. My flexed calf muscle looks so nasty!
Millionaires tshirt (American Apparel), Cutoffs, Sandals (Steve Madden)

It was "out of this world" day, so I wore my sparkly headband. After class I dropped off Ryan at float building. Brad and I went to Oto's where I asked him all about different Japanese foods and such. After I took him home, I picked up Huey and we hung out at my house. Later on we got bored and went to Hopkin's house to hang out with him and Brad. I was basically laughing the whole time.

Ps, check out the Millionaires!

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