I also got a t-shirt at Urban. On the way back, we ate at this Korean place. So delicious. I came home and crashed.
Saturday was craziness. I spent half of my entire day writing my English 302 paper. Then later on too many people came over. Cleaning up glass, blood, and vomit is not fun. But things like Brian dancing, Andrew running around without shoes, and meeting new people makes it all worth it. Love mah girlsss. Going to sleep at 6am is not good.
Today I woke up when Brian decided to wake up from his coma. Then I went upstairs to find Amy in the funniest position ever. After she left I woke up Huey downstairs. We got dim sum and went to the Rack. I found her a cute top. Then I came home and nearly died. I wrote my myth for lit and it is the funniest thing ever. Mission accomplished!
1 comment:
Hello, I like this blog.
Sorry not write more, but my English is not good.
A hug from Portugal
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