Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Blood Boiling

I went to bed at 5am and was rudely woken up at 8:30 by the gardeners outside. I ran to another bed and fell asleep until Andrew rang my door bell. I threw on some decent clothes and let him, Brian, and Collin in. They made me take pictures of them being ghetto and then Brian went swimming by himself while Andrew and Collin played basketball. I just sat and watched. Brian was doing back flips into the pool and while Andrew went to walk Billy, he did a terrible one. Right when his feet left the ground I braced myself. His head popped out of the water and I saw blood! He cut his head on the edge of the pool. It was crazy. He was sitting on the step putting pressure on it and the rest of us didn't really know what to do but they wanted me to take pictures! Haha. Then we went in and watched some of Better Luck Tomorrow. Running around in the 103 degree weather was not flattering. After they left I watched all my recorded episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8. Then I went to the Arden area and got price adjustments and a new tank top and headbands from Forever. My past two gold headbands broke. Boo.

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