But enough of that nonsense. Today I helped my mom babysit my cousin's twin babies! They're so smushy and cute. Austin is really calm and likes to look around whereas Emily likes to cry... a lot. My other cousins came over to help and we BBQed.
(The baby in the middle is my other cousin's baby, Kaydence)
I wanted to eat the asian salad but because I still have holes in my mouth, that didn't happen. :-( I crashed around 6:30 and didn't wake up until everyone but the twins were gone. Babies are so exhausting. I got thrown up on too. Tomorrow is sunday, then it's monday, then it's school! Save me. I still have reading to do.Saturday, August 30, 2008
Everyone Needs To Stop
RIGHT NOW. I don't like when people who usually don't wear makeup wear it in their senior portraits because the whole point is to look natural and wearing 99 cent eyeshadow in skanky blue is definitely not natural. Actually, the skanky part is pretty fitting in most cases...but still. And I really don't like when people think it's cute to wear obnoxiously huge and bright necklaces, earrings, and/or hair accessories. No, you don't look unique or original, you look like a fool. Not to mention, these photos are supposed to be timeless.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I've Got Peas On My Face, But Don't Call Me A Peaface
Apparently icing my face with a bag of frozen peas will prevent swelling tomorrow. The whole procedure went fine and was painless because, duh, I was under anesthetics.
I came home and plopped onto the couch. I ate yogurt, soup, mashed potatoes, and now I'm having a bowl of Chinese porridge. I taste a hint of blood in my mouth still, but what can you do? All this mushy, liquid food is not satisfying. I WANT REAL FOOD! I'm also proud to say that last night I finished Kite Runner. It was so touching and I'm glad I read it. I hope my face isn't swollen too much tomorrow so I can actually do something.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cheeky and Sassy
Andrew woke me up at 11:30 to go to Ma Jong's with Ryan to visit Collin. I had a chicken teriyaki bowl which was delectable. After that Andrew drove around with the window's down blasting "T-Shirt" by Shontelle.
We got some strange looks from people walking. They got drinks at Starbuck's and debated whether or not to call a lady friend. We went back to Ryan's and "proxyed a deck" while I curled up in a chair with Boomer. He's so soft and calm and i love him.
Now I'm sitting on my bed contemplating what to do with my last day of freedom. I'm getting my wisdom teeth pulled tomorrow at 9:30am and I know I will not enjoy that. I probably won't be able to make it to my city classes so I better email the professors later. Lame!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Nighttiming baby
Today was unnecessarily stressful and complicated. I got ready and went to school for the orientation nonsense. This year our genius administration decided to have an assembly basically telling us to do well at school so we can go to college and get rich and have a future. Whatever. I had to leave after about 20 minutes though because my city class started at 1. So my mom had to get my locker, schedule, and parking permit. The stupid VPs tried to not let her, but she talked to the principal and ended up getting all the stuff. They changed the way lockers are done so now I'm not by anybody and THEY MESSED UP MY SCHEDULE! I signed up for 5th and 6th city and they gave me 1st and 2nd?! I hate when simple things don't work out. Now I have to go back Friday to make my counselor fix it. Now I am sitting in the dark watching Jon and Kate starving to death in a really cute outfit with no plans. Actually, I thought I had plans, but I guess I was wrong. I want pad thai and to be done with my reading.
I purposely wore this outfit so I would look extra tan.
Eyelet tank (Juicy Couture), Short (A&F), Sandals (Cole Haan), Sunglasses (D&G)
I purposely wore this outfit so I would look extra tan.
Yessss, so I got my pad thai! After changing into a more night appropriate outfit, I decided to try this Thai place I've never been to. It was delicious and the table had these adorable elephant salt and pepper shakers.
When I got home I kicked it with Andrew and Collin, I love gossiping with them. It's always refreshing to discover when you hate the same people. Haha that sounds horrible.
Here was my outfit (I actually wore my Coach shoes out though):
Here was my outfit (I actually wore my Coach shoes out though):
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Something In The Way
My internet was down yesterday so this entry didn't post!
Today (Monday) I woke up late and went to City to sell back my psychology book, buy my sociology book, find my classes, and buy a parking pass. After that I grabbed some Taco Bell and picked up Huey. It had been so long, so we caught up on gossip and whatnot, then went swimming. I fell asleep outside and then after we came in we went to Viento's. I love that place and their delicious salsa and chimichangas. We went back to her house to look at her new clothes and she gave me some of her old pieces.
Sunday, After going to bed around 5AM I finally managed to roll out of bed around 11:30. My laziness meant that everyone left for dim sum while I tried to get ready for my day date with Amy-san. We left around 2 and headed to Downtown Plaza. We were originally going to go to the Arden area but House Bunny wasn't playing there. We shopped around and I got a Free People tank top with beautiful shades of blue and green. The movie was pretty good but as I suspected, most of the funny lines were already in the commercials. After that we went to the Marshall's near our houses. We tried on some ridiculously tight and flashy clothing which proved to be productive because I found a top very appropriate for Halloween. I got a pair of Volcom Stone sandals that are very comfortable and were a great deal. After watching some Jon and Kate Plus 8 my mom came home and gave me another pair of sandals! They are gold, bronze, and silver chain linked thongs and I think they will match a lot of my outfits. I was too lazy to take individual pictures so I put one on each shoe.

I also decided I am not going to post pictures of new shirts I get anymore unless I am actually wearing it somewhere. I do not like repeating outfits so if I am photographed in something I get really freaked out that someone will remember what I wore. I know that sounds dumb but I just can't stand it. For those who know me well already, you know I don't repeat shirts to school within the same school year.
Here was my outfit yesterday:
Today (Monday) I woke up late and went to City to sell back my psychology book, buy my sociology book, find my classes, and buy a parking pass. After that I grabbed some Taco Bell and picked up Huey. It had been so long, so we caught up on gossip and whatnot, then went swimming. I fell asleep outside and then after we came in we went to Viento's. I love that place and their delicious salsa and chimichangas. We went back to her house to look at her new clothes and she gave me some of her old pieces.
Sunday, After going to bed around 5AM I finally managed to roll out of bed around 11:30. My laziness meant that everyone left for dim sum while I tried to get ready for my day date with Amy-san. We left around 2 and headed to Downtown Plaza. We were originally going to go to the Arden area but House Bunny wasn't playing there. We shopped around and I got a Free People tank top with beautiful shades of blue and green. The movie was pretty good but as I suspected, most of the funny lines were already in the commercials. After that we went to the Marshall's near our houses. We tried on some ridiculously tight and flashy clothing which proved to be productive because I found a top very appropriate for Halloween. I got a pair of Volcom Stone sandals that are very comfortable and were a great deal. After watching some Jon and Kate Plus 8 my mom came home and gave me another pair of sandals! They are gold, bronze, and silver chain linked thongs and I think they will match a lot of my outfits. I was too lazy to take individual pictures so I put one on each shoe.
Here was my outfit yesterday:
I'm Baaaaack!
I'm so tired and too lazy to write this, but I'm back from Florida and the Bahamas as of Friday night. I took in some breath taking views and much needed sun rays. Florida wasn't too exciting because Storm Fay was coming in, but the suite was nice. The whole cruise experience was fun and I'm glad I didn't get really sea sick. I saw some shows and went to the teen club with Courtney which was lame. I got asked if I was Filipino too many times but I guess that's what I get for laying on the white sand beaches. Jet skiing was such a blast, I have a need for speed!

Saturday night Nick took me to Wild 94.9's Comedy Jam at the Shoreline Amphitheatre. We were completely out of place among the 22,000 Hispanics drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, but it was actually really fun. Nick's coworker won tickets from the radio station so we were sitting ON STAGE. It was crazy and a little scary but the comedians were so funny. My jaw was locking up from laughing constantly. Bobby Lee was one of my favorites. Even though Kat Williams wasn't even that funny, he was cool because I got his Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses!

Saturday night Nick took me to Wild 94.9's Comedy Jam at the Shoreline Amphitheatre. We were completely out of place among the 22,000 Hispanics drinking beer and smoking cigarettes, but it was actually really fun. Nick's coworker won tickets from the radio station so we were sitting ON STAGE. It was crazy and a little scary but the comedians were so funny. My jaw was locking up from laughing constantly. Bobby Lee was one of my favorites. Even though Kat Williams wasn't even that funny, he was cool because I got his Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses!
Friday, August 15, 2008
The Sailor Song
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Blood Boiling
I went to bed at 5am and was rudely woken up at 8:30 by the gardeners outside. I ran to another bed and fell asleep until Andrew rang my door bell. I threw on some decent clothes and let him, Brian, and Collin in.
They made me take pictures of them being ghetto and then Brian went swimming by himself while Andrew and Collin played basketball. I just sat and watched. Brian was doing back flips into the pool and while Andrew went to walk Billy, he did a terrible one. Right when his feet left the ground I braced myself. His head popped out of the water and I saw blood! He cut his head on the edge of the pool. It was crazy.
He was sitting on the step putting pressure on it and the rest of us didn't really know what to do but they wanted me to take pictures! Haha. Then we went in and watched some of Better Luck Tomorrow.
Running around in the 103 degree weather was not flattering. After they left I watched all my recorded episodes of Jon and Kate Plus 8. Then I went to the Arden area and got price adjustments and a new tank top and headbands from Forever. My past two gold headbands broke. Boo.
L'Amour Toujours
Tuesday afternoon I picked up my new retainer from the orthodontist. It's glow-in-the-dark pink with black zebra stripes. Too bad the stripes are just straight lines! So dumb. They have two springs on them because my teeth shifted. They think it may be due to my wisdom teeth coming in, but I blame the Asian guy that made my retainer too tight last time. Then I came home and Andrew rings my doorbell. Low and behold, Collin, Ryan, Brian, and Justin Midzuno (sp?) were here too. We sat around while Brian played with Billy and Andrew made a fool of himself. After they left I watched TV and fell asleep. I just talked to Andrew on the phone and now I'm not in the mood to read, even though I really should.
Monday I went to Elk Grove to pick up some stuff.
I got new gold sandals, a necklace/head wrap thing, a blue and pink Free People tank top, and a stupid summer reading book. The book is actually not that stupid, it's about a Chinese immigrant coming to America. I'm just starting to freak out a little because I have two weeks to read 4 books! I rearranged my furniture at the late hours of the night and I'm pretty pleased with the outcome. My bed is against the window wall now and i feel like the vibe in the room is a lot better.
Monday I went to Elk Grove to pick up some stuff.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
I Fell Right Through The Cracks
...and now I'm trying to get back. Last night I was stressing out so bad. I came to the realization that my two city classes start the SAME DAY as orientation. And then two days later I'm getting two wisdom teeth pulled. And then five days later will be the first day of school. Not to mention, I haven't done any of my summer reading yet! Now I'm sitting on my bed next to magazine cut-outs, a stack of Free People and Nordstrom catalogues, and pillows and hangers are scattered on the carpet. I'm in the process of rearranging my room and getting rid of the clutter, which I hope will clear my mind as well. All this saved middle school crap has got to go.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Golden Sunshine
Ahh the last two days have been so much fun. Thinking about all the crazy things is making me laugh all over again. Friday night I went to Caballo Blanco Restaurant and had a delicious chimichanga. While I was there I saw Miles and he was with his little grandma! I said hi in a somewhat evil voice and he replied all nicely and smiled. I think it was just because he was with his granny, but it was weird and I was mad that he didn't reply with the usual hostility. Then I picked up Huey and while we were sitting around talking about my craziness, Nick called and said he was already at Arden! Apparently he set up the plans with Huey but she got so preoccupied with my gossip that she didn't realize what time it was. We rushed over and shopped at Urban a little before the movie started. We saw The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 which wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be.
Oh well, I realize the makers were just trying to end it. Then we zoomed over to The Melting Pot. We got there at 10:58 and they close at 11:00! That was a close one.

The chocolate fondue was perfect and we ate it a little too fast, even though I said we should savor it. Then we came back to my house to prepare a CD and Huey slept over.
Now today Nick came over bright and early, 10am is early for me, and we headed out to San Jose. Traffic was a little ridiculous, but we always find ways to entertain each other in the car. Then we went to the Stanford Shopping Center and immediately went to California Pizza Kitchen. I can't believe how much the three of us used to eat there. The pizza was delicious and it was so packed we had to sit at a handicap table. I felt kinda bad about it, but luckily no one else needed it. Then we hit the stores. Huey and I each found a shirt at Macy*s. Mine is perfect for the cruise! I'm so excited. Then Nick went to every expensive store and basically bought everything.
I won't even say how much he spent because it'll embarrass him, but it was A LOT. Then we went to Stanford's campus to walk around because it's so pretty.

On the way back we drove through San Francisco and Berkeley. Then made a pit stop at McDonald's. Haha it was so good after all that walking. After a while we all had to go to the restroom really bad from the soda and everyone was yelling not to make the other laugh. Then, of course Nick had to drive over every speed bump ever. We ran into my house and split up into the three bathrooms. TMI, but so hilarious. My mom thinks we're crazy. I still think it's funny that the three of us have hung out more this summer than all the previous years combined.
Now today Nick came over bright and early, 10am is early for me, and we headed out to San Jose. Traffic was a little ridiculous, but we always find ways to entertain each other in the car. Then we went to the Stanford Shopping Center and immediately went to California Pizza Kitchen. I can't believe how much the three of us used to eat there. The pizza was delicious and it was so packed we had to sit at a handicap table. I felt kinda bad about it, but luckily no one else needed it. Then we hit the stores. Huey and I each found a shirt at Macy*s. Mine is perfect for the cruise! I'm so excited. Then Nick went to every expensive store and basically bought everything.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Laughter Cramps
Do you ever have those moments where you just think about something and can't stop laughing? I am currently in that state. Last night was such a ridiculous/hysterical night. Amy and I went over to Andy K's to watch a movie and whatnot and then Brian Mitchell came over too.
They played yu-gay-oh and tried to test their physical abilities, then we went to Hollywood Video. None of us could decide on a movie so we got 30 Days of Night.
Then Andy stayed at his house while the rest of us went to 7 Eleven to get drinks. The movie was not even scary, and believe me, I hate scary movies. It didn't even have a plot but it was so predictable. We should have gotten Never Back Down. Then we watched American Pie: The Naked Mile. Seeing boobs and other body parts was a little disturbing while sitting next to Andrew. Luckily, he fell asleep for the majority of the movie. We went to Marie's at like 2AM. I love donuts.
I took a picture of Amy while Brian was driving and he thought that the camera at the stoplight took a picture of him! Haha. The rest of the night, or should I say morning, is all a blur now. There was an incompetent face Andy telling us reaaalllly disturbing things that literally had us rolling on the floor. Amy and I had cramps from all the laughing. Pictures, cashews, tracings, pizza, google images, ahh it was all too much. Then the sun came up around 5:30AM and we took that as a sign to finally leave. Amy came over to sleep for a couple of hours and now she's off to Alaska! What a long night/morning.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
And August, I'm On Your Side
I haven't been writing in this lately because I'm actually trying to go out and enjoy summer. I wish there were more things to do for teenagers that don't always involve eating! Last Friday Amy and I went to lunch at El Palmar.
We've been trying to go there for so long but our plans always fell through. But the trip was successful and we both had a delicious chimichanga and margarita.
I wish it came in a nicer cup though. Then we went to the Arden area and due to lack of money hit the sale section of Forever and Urban where I got a black hooded sweater. Saturday night my sister made spaghetti, giant meat balls, and garlic bread and her boyfriend Thomas made vanilla ice cream. So tasty. After I digested Huey, Nick, and I hit the town. We drove around, went to Rite Aid and Starbucks, then partied in Nick's mansion.

Cool Marc Jacobs shirts, I know. Then we did a some things that I don't want to mention as it may be incriminating. Basically, It's a story to add to the scariest moments of my life. Haha Huey slept over and the next morning we met up with Nick for Dim Sum. We kept laughing at Nick's whiteness and overall awkwardness. He liked the food a lot and the overall cultural mingling was fun. Today I got an oral X-ray because I need to get my wisdom teeth removed soon. Boo! My closet is currently a mess because I'm trying to clean and get rid of a lot my old things.
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