Wednesday, July 30, 2008
They Wanna Know
I had to wake up at 7:30 today for my orthodontic appointment. I was so drained I could barely move. I have to get a new retainer with springs because two teeth are moving back. It costs $150!! That's so dumb, I could have gotten so much more clothes with that. I blame the Asian guy that made my retainer too tight last time. After that my momma and I went to Tower Cafe. We shared the french toast and Denver omelette which came with a side of potatoes. I love onions and peppers. Then we went to her work until it was time for my class. On the way, we got Jamba Juice. I arrived campus a little early so I sat in th sun by the econ class. I talked to Andrew and Courtney and then went to class. One more day and I'm free!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Procrastination Pays
I got my Psychology paper back today and I got an A! Staying up until 5am and then oversleeping and being late to class worked. Now I have 101% in the class. Now I'm home watching Law&Order:SVU. Lame lame lame. Amy came over and brought my a pouch and bangles she found at her grandma's house. The top white one is from her.
Then I went to Jack's Urban Eats and had half a chicken club, half a tri-tip sandwhich, and garlic fries. Delish. It's weird when you see people you recognize but you're not friends with really. The rest of my night was pretty uneventful.
Ps, I am Rosie the Riveter.

Ps, I am Rosie the Riveter.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Glow Stick And Chapstick
Well today was quite uneventful. I got out of bed at 3PM (crazy, I know) and barely got ready when Andrew appeared at my door. I saw his fade/taper nonsense and was completely horrified. He made me go with him to Brian Mitchell's to pick up some "yu-gi-oh cards". Yes, notice the quotations. Then, since Mike Lau lives around the corner he had to show him his hair. Mike laughed and said how he could do better and it "wasn't aligned right". Whatever that means. Then I went home, had lunch, and sat around all day. I watched too much tv and had some sushi.
I want to go back!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Broken Outlets
Huey and I are sitting in my hallway eating pluots because all the outlets in my room don't work. Strange. Maybe I broke them when I was blow-drying my hair like a mad woman this morning before Nick came. San Francisco was amazing! We arrived and walked around. I laughed while Huey and Nick were wearing pants and sweaters in the heat. I was in a nice t-shirt and shorts. Haha. We didn't do any shopping really. Then we went to Chinatown and went to this restaurant on the 6th floor of this building.
We saw that there was a combination meal for $20 so we got it but it turned out it was $20 EACH PERSON!! Huey made the scariest face when we got the bill. Then we drove down to the wharf and they saw the Bush Man for the first time. Parking was impossible so we didn't get to go to the Ghirardelli Square for ice cream. Instead we went down to the beach! When we first got there it was so serene. Then once we stepped onto the soft sand it got REALLY WINDY. Our hair was everywhere and sand was hitting our legs. The water was also really cold. But we got some fun pictures and good laughs.

After that we were disgusting and sticky. We went to a Starbucks and I had a fabulous blended strawberry lemonade. Then we went to North Beach and drove around forever looking for parking. We ate at a nice italian restaurant where they made us sit at the counter by the OPEN FIRE. It was ridiculous.
The pizza was good but the pasta was kinda hard. Oh well. The whole experience was great and it felt good to get away. Nick is really good with directions but not so much stopping a safe distance from the car in front.
We almost died so many times! And we even got the finger from this guy in the park. Haha. I need more fun outings like this.
Pure Gold
Oh my god, it is literally 2:46AM right now and I have been in my room for hours trying to figure out what to wear tomorrow. This is so ridiculous. I still need to pack and charge all my stuff. Nick is coming at 9. This is not good. So much to do, so little time! San Francisco is going to be a blast though! I'm excited.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Remember When You Said You Would Change?
Hello, it is currently 4:19am and I am supposed to be doing my psychology paper! Actually, I should have been doing it hours ago, but once again, the procrastinating queen is here. My back hurts from hunching over as I sit on my bed and type away. I'm hungry too. I have no motivation to do this assignment. I'm too excited for Saturday! Nick said he'd take me and Huey to San Fransisco. Yes, I just went there last weekend, but it is going to be amazing. Getting away from this city and being with friends that are chill - fabulous!. And a bonus, no adults! This is what I mean by experiencing and living life. I need adventure! We are going to go to the park and the beach and eat at delicious places. Ah, I cannot contain my excitement. After class I'm going to go to Huey's and we're going to make lists and plan everything out. I think a Sharis run is necessary as well. Okay, I really should work now. Ciao!
Okay, so that definitely didn't work. I went to sleep around 5:30am and planned to wake up at 7. Of course, I snoozed and fell back asleep, typical. Then I heard the house phone ring at 10 and freaked out - I still had to do my essay and now I had less than 2 hours to do it! My mom came home and was yelling at me for procrastinating. And then of course when I was printing my extra credit, the printer froze! I ended up being like 25 minutes late to class, but it didn't matter. After class I came home and chatted with Huey and Nick. Then I went to Downtown but there wasn't anything good. It's funny when you run into people from school who you're not really friends with but to be civilized you make that closed-lip-smile face. Then I got some Thai food that was delicious. I love pad thai and yellow curry.
Here was my outfit today. Haha I love VOSS water.

Okay, so that definitely didn't work. I went to sleep around 5:30am and planned to wake up at 7. Of course, I snoozed and fell back asleep, typical. Then I heard the house phone ring at 10 and freaked out - I still had to do my essay and now I had less than 2 hours to do it! My mom came home and was yelling at me for procrastinating. And then of course when I was printing my extra credit, the printer froze! I ended up being like 25 minutes late to class, but it didn't matter. After class I came home and chatted with Huey and Nick. Then I went to Downtown but there wasn't anything good. It's funny when you run into people from school who you're not really friends with but to be civilized you make that closed-lip-smile face. Then I got some Thai food that was delicious. I love pad thai and yellow curry.
Here was my outfit today. Haha I love VOSS water.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Stars and Signs
I was never one to truly believe that the stars and planets aligning had to do with my behavior. I used to read my horoscope in magazines out of boredom and in the vain hope that it's predictions may come true. Sadly, I never got that call from a crush on the 6th or found money on the 25th. I do, however, find it strange that my sign tells what kind of person I am. Huey is sending me info about Aries and it is so accurate!
Aries women frequently find themselves with dilemmas surrounding their romantic relationships. For them, a man has to be a 'real man' to deal with an Aries woman, otherwise she intimidates him. Aries are doers rather than talkers. They are the impulsive, act first, ask questions or have doubts later, sign of the zodiac. That's why their lives are often filled with many dramas and sometimes even accidents!
Oh, that explains so much in my life.
I really don't think it's good to go to sleep at 5:30am. My sleep schedule has been so off this summer and I hope I'll be able to survive school. I got to class today only to discover that it had been canceled! Lame, but good. I went home and then Andrew came over. He was obsessing over his woman, or should I say, baby issues. Amy was shopping with her cousin Alyssa so we thought we'd go surprise her. I showed Andrew how to get to Arden, which was a little scary. How do you not know how to get to Arden?! We made it in one piece and without running over anybody, so I'd say that was pretty successful.
We walked around and Andrew tried to hit on some nasties. Then we found out Amy was actually at The Rack/Marshy's/Old Navy, so we went back to my house instead. He attempted to plan a party and I had an ice cream bar. Then he went to go work out with Eric Perez aka steamy lovers' rendezvous. I should be working on my Psychology paper that is due tomorrow... but I still have time and I feel I work better under pressure. I'll try to sleep earlier tonight, though I doubt that'll happen. I am so excited for the premiere of Buzzin' tonight. I LOVE SHWAYZE! And Cisco Adler.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Today after class I went to Arden. I had a yummy chicken sandwich and did random browsing. There wasn't anything too amazing. Then I went to Urban and got this cool shirt. Throwin up tha deuuuuuce!
I got the Lucky Brand tshirt on the left too. I like shirts that have necklaces printed on them. Some people might think they're tacky, but I think they're fun. I almost got another one with Hello Kitty on it from Urban, but I resisted the urge.

I'd like to make this blog more about fashion and whatnot, but it is summer and I am uninspired. All I seem to be doing is talking about what I do all day. But then again, some people like reading about that. But really, I need a hobby besides eating and shopping. I've been saying I want a job for the longest time but I never did anything about it. Now it's the middle of the summer and I want cash. I need to start movin! Too bad there aren't good places that hire teenagers without experience.
Last Saturday Huey and I went shopping with my momma and sister. I loved the wannabe Santana Row. It reminded me of spring break. The benches and fountain were so cool!

Then that night I went to Oz Korean BBQ. It was fun cooking the food at the table and the meat was so tender. It's cool how you get unlimited appetizers/side dishes. The spinach and bean sprouts were my favorite.
I'd like to make this blog more about fashion and whatnot, but it is summer and I am uninspired. All I seem to be doing is talking about what I do all day. But then again, some people like reading about that. But really, I need a hobby besides eating and shopping. I've been saying I want a job for the longest time but I never did anything about it. Now it's the middle of the summer and I want cash. I need to start movin! Too bad there aren't good places that hire teenagers without experience.
Last Saturday Huey and I went shopping with my momma and sister. I loved the wannabe Santana Row. It reminded me of spring break. The benches and fountain were so cool!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Shorts In The Rain
Yesterday I went to San Fran and Bezerkely! It was nice to get away from the laptop and television, which is basically all i do when I'm at home. It was also about 60 degrees which was a nice change from the Sacramento heat. I got some weird stares for my cut-off shorts and black boots, but I know they were just jealous.
Haha we went down to the Wharf. I can't even remember the last time I was there, so that was fun. Sadly, Steve & Barry's was horribly disappointing. There was absolutely nothing cute. Everything was huge and ugly. But, after that I had clam chowder from a bread bowl, calamari, and curly fries. They were deeeelish!
Then we went to Marc by Marc Jacobs, where I didn't find anything either. So, we proceeded to Union Square and whatnot to do the usual rounds. I got a coral mon petit oiseau top from the Impulse section at Macy*s, and yes, it is as adorable as it sounds.
I also got a Free People tank to add to my collection. For dinner went to Macau Cafe at the Ranch 99 market. After that, we drove back to my sister's apartment to drop her off.
Of course we had to park by hobos that wanted our soda. Nasty. I had a nice nap in the car and once I got home Andrew was there. We just sat around my room and he was playing the bitch card, typical. Then Amy got jealous that Andrew was over so she came over for like 15 minutes before curfew. Once that was done I tried to work on my psychology paper, but failed miserably. I went to bed around 5am.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I Know You Are My Candyman
Why can't people just be civilized? I think we've established who we do and do not like, but why do some insist on going out of their way to make things more difficult? Some things have to get done and going out of your way to start things definitely doesn't help. I also think people should stop posting nasty pictures for the world to see. No one needs to see your inappropriate no-boobs and back-ne. The ugly clothes have to go too.
On another note, there are only 6 more weeks of summer! At least I got in some sun today. Huey and I had a nice picnic in my backyard that we've been planning for a while. We made a total of three trips to Bel Air, which was pretty ridiculous, but also funny. Blasting Aqua in the BMW with the wind blowing all around us is the definition of summer.

On another note, there are only 6 more weeks of summer! At least I got in some sun today. Huey and I had a nice picnic in my backyard that we've been planning for a while. We made a total of three trips to Bel Air, which was pretty ridiculous, but also funny. Blasting Aqua in the BMW with the wind blowing all around us is the definition of summer.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Stop The Time
Monday, July 7, 2008
Glazed Over
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